Congrats Renee!

A big congratulations to my client Renee!! Renee accomplished her long time goal of competing in a fitness competition this past weekend. Renee rocked the stage with grace and power and took third place at Foxwoods Fitness New England! Her nutrition program was concentrated with nutritious plant based whole foods and she trained with athletic whole body circuits and did not overdo cardio. Training for a fitness competition is no small feet…its demanding both athletically and emotionally, and time-consuming. Renee’s preparation and hard work shined through on stage. Very proud of this woman! Are you next? How can I help you reach your fitness goals?

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About the author

NASM-CPT. NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist, NASM Special Populations Specialist, NASM-Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IHP-Functional Training Specialist, X-Factor Athlete, Bachelors of Sociology UNH. Fitness Professional with over 20 years of experience. National Fitness Competitor, Overall fitness junky