The Finishing Touch


Living and Being your healthiest and most fit doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. In fact, once you establish YOUR healthy rhythm it is easy to stay committed because the return on investment is so huge.   Don’t be overwhelmed, establishing a sustainable realistic routine with nutrition and fitness does not have to be that uncomfortable. Let me help you find your own personal blueprint to wellness.  I’m offering complimentary nutritional guidance with your purchase of three or more sessions of training or an online fitness program through September. I believe, so strongly, that the synergy of my highly effective fitness programming and eating to nourish your body and soul can be a life changer. When you feel and look your best, the positive effects are contagious to all other areas of your life. Do not pass this up! Its an invaluable offer.

About the author

NASM-CPT. NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist, NASM Special Populations Specialist, NASM-Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IHP-Functional Training Specialist, X-Factor Athlete, Bachelors of Sociology UNH. Fitness Professional with over 20 years of experience. National Fitness Competitor, Overall fitness junky