I LOVE my curves, my clothes fit great, my health is benefiting, and I love being focused!

I’d like to take a moment to write down my thoughts about taking part in Jen’s 4 week cleanse! Timing is everything in life and I really needed new direction and a kick-start! Knowing Jen for over 10 years now, I feel silly that I haven’t tuned into her methods sooner! She has always been a person that I’ve admired and watched…and her obvious commitment to the information she shares is visual success to us all by how she performs…but I truly know its success from within her heart and soul too! The cleanse offered me a freedom with intuitive eating that I wasn’t practicing at all. Sure, I exercised and ate “healthy” but I was at a major road block. My (now I know lack of) nutrition was suffering…causing “on and off” cycles in my diet.

For a decade since I had my two gorgeous children…I’ve been on and off with Weight Watchers and I just couldn’t count anymore!!! I saw results, but I now realize more than ever that I was eliminating nutrition because of a point value??!!?? I have to really work at keeping my weight down (genetics/indulging) and my old habits left me always in a yoyo scenario. Now I’m more concerned with overall health and feeling strong/lean than a number on the scale or attached to my food in-take.

On this cleanse we were given nutritional direction and at-home/gym workouts…the value is unreal! I’ve added so many different items to my grocery cart and I feel so satisfied each day…being deprived doesn’t exist here! The workouts are dynamic and leave you soaked…feeling strong, as you have the perfect balance of cardio/strength! Each workout is true to her move like an athlete mantra! I love walking into the gym, having a focus, and getting after it! Being on the floor using my body, different weights, bands, machines etc., mixes it up! I believe in balance and this knowledge has given me opportunity to make smart choices at home or out in the world…have fun…and also jump back on and refocus (as I did drink alcohol a few Sat. nights and have a “cheat” day each week)! I wanted to add this plan to my every day lifestyle, not just the 4 weeks.

Do yourself a favor and join her next cleanse…it’s really isn’t a “cleanse” that we’ve all heard about…oh god I’m about to starve myself…it’s the complete opposite…giving your digestion a rest and then powering it up with super yummy nutritious foods! If you love a group forum…be vocal…as the more you share and take within the 4 weeks…will only set you up for success after!

Be active, take-notes, screen shots, etc and watch yourself change! Don’t forget to document your success by taking your weekly photos. The scale is not the focus here for Jen at all, but I did lose a much needed 15 lbs during the 4 weeks after a long winter and I continued to lose weeks after. What I do know in moving forward since the 4 weeks, is that I’m losing inches and gaining muscle because as the scale might not be moving as much, clothes are fitting differently! The scale was for measure to start, but I think it will go collect some dust moving forward…as this has set me free from numbers!!!

I’m in love with how I feel! At this age, I’m in love with my healthy and strong self vs. trying to be skinny self…we all know strong is the new skinny…Wonder Woman and her tribe are far from skinny ;)…”I ain’t no size 2”…train like a girl! I LOVE my curves, my clothes fit great, my health is benefiting from the lack of inflammation, and I love being focused!

About the author

NASM-CPT. NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist, NASM Special Populations Specialist, NASM-Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IHP-Functional Training Specialist, X-Factor Athlete, Bachelors of Sociology UNH. Fitness Professional with over 20 years of experience. National Fitness Competitor, Overall fitness junky