BODYWEIGHT movements are a great way to build a strong core foundation, improve your strength training movement mechanics, increase your range of motion, and master moving like an athlete.
Ways to progress simple bodyweight movements:
✅ Change the tempo – slow down or speed up. Slowing down helps to engage the muscles and speeding up helps when you want to make a perfectly executed movement more metabolic.
✅ Make the movement unilateral. Make two arm/leg movements single arm/leg once you have mastered the classic version. Challenging your balance, core, and putting more load on the muscle worked.
✅Add a decline or incline. Inclines usually make the movements easier and declines make them a little harder. For instance you can do an incline push-up which uses less angle and makes the movement easier for beginners.
✅ Make a one plane move multi-planar. Step out push ups and squats are a great way to move through the side to side plane / frontal plane. Transverse lunges work the body diagonally, challenging your brain and challenging the core.
✅ Make the movement compounded. Challenge your heart by making it circulate blood throughout a wider range. For instance doing a pull-up and adding a core move works more muscle so your heart has to work harder.