Resistance Bands are not just for the elderly and those traveling anymore. One of the most athletic and successful quarterbacks in history, Tom Brady, routinely uses resistance bands in his training. It’s no surprise! Bands come in all different widths and resistances. They allow for resistance on the positive and negative  movements of the exercise forcing core stability and stiffness in order to prevent being sling shot across the room! You can move your body through all ranges of motion and planes of motion with bands, allowing them to be applied specifically to different sports specific movements. They offer strength, flexibility, core, agility,  and power training depending on how you implement.

Bands are no joke. Perfect for warming up, used as a finisher, or sprinkled through a tough circuit. I think it’s hot to see a jacked man or woman with the confidence to master such cutting edge exercises. Come on people, check the ego at the door, and start exchanging less useful traditional isolation weight exercises for these much more productive, effective, and challenging modes of exercise! Not only will you be HOTTER but you will move and feel better.








About the author

NASM-CPT. NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist, NASM Special Populations Specialist, NASM-Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IHP-Functional Training Specialist, X-Factor Athlete, Bachelors of Sociology UNH. Fitness Professional with over 20 years of experience. National Fitness Competitor, Overall fitness junky