Through my coaching I employ the philosophy of Intuitive Eating and Training. Basically, “following the feeling”. The fitness coaching world is full of trainers who preach “compliance” to rigid programs and meal plans, to me this serves to rob a client of the empowerment, authenticity, and sustainability of a healthy and fit lifestyle. The Intuitive approach gives the control and authenticity back to the client, and invites positive change on an energetic level. After a functional training workout you FILL up with a sense of vitality, accomplishment, an endorphin rush, a better disposition, clarity with thoughts, better mobility, and a sense of peace. When you follow your gut nutritionally (literally), your body won’t stear you wrong. So when you comprise your diet with foods that make you feel energetic, light, allow you to digest well, sleep well, and beat inflammation, you are not only increasing your health and fitness but manifesting postive emotions. Couple Intuitive Functional training and Intuitive healthy eating and you arm yourself with a lifestyle that invites in positive vibrations. More opportunity, better relationships, a higher level success will come your way. When you feel excited, enthusiastic, peaceful, and relaxed you draw in equal energetic vibrations and as the “Law of attraction” states, this is exactly what will be attracted to you in return.
Have you ever noticed some people seem to be followed by a black cloud? Bad luck and unfortunate events are a constant for these people, but if you had the opportunity to peak into their mindset and be around their vibe, you will likely notice that they are comfortable in a state of negative thinking, or the “glass half empty mindset”. Attracting events on the level of their “feelings and energy”.
We have control of what we manifest and are fully capable of achieving our highest level self by keeping a constant state of positive feeling and vibes in our bodies and minds. Intuitive Eating and Training is just one way to stay in the happy vibe tribe.
The simplest way I can descibe to you to understand what will fill you up positively is to listen to that gut, and vice versa. Do you have people in your life that drain your energy? Do you feel a tightening of your chest when something doesn’t feel right to you? An anxious feeling in your belly when making a decision that does not feel right? Those are the things that will invite in the black cloud. Life is not always unicorns and glitter, I do know this, but we do have control of our vibe and in turn what we invite into our lives. Want to manifest a good relationship? A dream career opportunity? Your best health? Close your eyes and conjure up the feelings associated with those dreams. Start igniting those feelings on a daily basis. You will be lining yourself up with that exact energy that will attract the opportunities.
Each and every day LIGHT YOURSELF UP. Do the workouts!! Allow for healthy feelings with your nutrition choices! Do the things that make you feel alive, happy, and motivated. Align yourself with people that fill you up and inspire you, cut your social media feed of people and things that make you feel less. Here is an exercise to help you raise your vibe and manifest your best life.
Close your eyes and imagine that you already have that dream job, are already in a rewarding relationship, or (insert goal here). How does it feel to be in that relationship? That job? Have that amount of money? Dream Body? Are you walking around with a smile on your face? Are you confidant and generous? Do you feel energized and engaging? Now on a daily basis call in those opportunities by doing things that make you feel those feelings. Make a list of everything that fires you up. Don’t judge it. These feelings are authentic to you and should be honored. Each day do your best to fit in as many of those activities as you can. Start simply by smiling at strangers, greating people positively, being generous with your time and maybe money, having an impromptu dance party with your kids, deep talks with your friends, practicing gratitude on the daily, playing your favorite songs as you drive, creating a beautiful work environment to inspire the good feels, and of course practive Intuitive training and eating. :). You are in control of what you manifest and your life. Start today and I promise you will start attracting the best life.