I have participated in Jennifer Tedford Zuba’s Lifestyle Kickstart program 3 times over the last two years. Each time I have come away with tons of delicious, clean recipes and volumes of customized, challenging workouts that I can do at the gym, at home or on the road! But it is the knowledge and mental piece that has been the real difference maker.

I used to judge food as good versus bad and restricted calories. Now I ask myself, “What nourishment does my body need to help me feel and train my best?” As a lifelong fitness nut I overtrained, rarely taking a day off and judging myself as lazy when I did. Now with Jen’s help I’m learning to listen to my body and give myself permission to take time for active recovery and rest. I used to focus on what I couldn’t do as I aged, but with Jen’s encouragement, I’m learning to appreciate what my 60 year old body CAN do!
Jen teaches and trains to the athlete in all of us. Her optimism and energy inspire her clients. This program is the real deal! Jen doesn’t just “talk the talk” – she “walks the walk!” Give yourself the gift of this amazing program! You will be hooked

About the author

NASM-CPT. NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist, NASM Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist, NASM Special Populations Specialist, NASM-Fitness Nutrition Specialist, IHP-Functional Training Specialist, X-Factor Athlete, Bachelors of Sociology UNH. Fitness Professional with over 20 years of experience. National Fitness Competitor, Overall fitness junky